The Space Sustainability Rating is a non-profit organization which, in addition to leading the rating process, also provides a platform for action-focused collaboration.

Our goal is to encourage space actors to design and implement sustainable & responsible space missions to ensure the long-term sustainability of the space. We believe that it is to the benefit of all to take actions and act towards space debris mitigation, but this cannot be achieved without the support of space actors themselves.

In order to achieve our goal, we offer the following opportunities to be involved in the SSR:

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Become a founding member

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Become an association member

By becoming a member of the SSR, you can:

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Take on a leadership role in the global discussion for space sustainability

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Join a safe-space forum to exchange and build relationships with a multi-stakeholder group of leading organisations

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Get involved in the discussion to continuously enhance the rating system, and support its establishment as an internationally recognized and independent certification systems

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Have a say in the decision-making authority to bring resilience, independence and expertise to the SSR

Get in touch with the team HERE to learn more about SSR membership, start the process and initiate collaboration!