Feet on Earth, head in the stars
22.08.2023 - MIT Technology Review
The importance of sustainable space exploration in the 21st century
10.04.2023 - NPR Short Wave
Making space more sustainable, one rating at a time
27.03.2023 - European Space Agency
The world's first sustainability rating system for space exploration
02.03.2023 - World Economic Forum
Space Is Full of Rubbish – It’s Everyone’s Job to Clean It Up
10.02.2023 - Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
Space Sustainability Rating System, the Chameleon Effect, and How to Blow Your Nose
12.12.2022 - Curiosity Daily Podcast
Évaluer la durabilité dans le domaine spatial
24.11.2022 - MSM
Space Sustainability as a Business and Economic Imperative
13.09.2022 - Geospatial World
Opinion: Why I'm a space environmentalist -- and why you should be, too
07.09.2022 - CNN
Rating for designing sustainable space systems
02.08.2022 - ee News Europe
Aux frontières du cosmos, là où nos télescopes sont aveugles
02.08.2022 - Heidi.news
Space junk, space lasers and space law: Cleaning up earth's debris
29.07.2022 - ABC News Australia
Guide de durabilité spatiale à l'usage du voyageur galactique
30.06.2022 - Heidi.news
A new way to incentivize safer conditions for operating in space
15.06.2022 - SpaceNews
How Do Leaders Deal With Space Debris?
05.04.2022 - Newsweek
Le grand nettoyage de l’espace
27.08.2021 - ISO
A new chapter for space sustainability
28.06.2021 - TECHNOLOGY.ORG
Space Junk, the Final Frontier for Sustainability
28.06.2021 - Triple Pundit
We launched the first sustainability rating for space exploration
26.06.2021 - World Economic Forum
Earth’s orbit is congesting, World Economic Forum has a solution
22.06.2021 - fintechzoom.com
New spacecraft sustainability rating targets space junk
22.06.2021 - SPACE.com
WEF and ESA launch new space sustainability rating
21.06.2021 - Spacewatch Global
New Space Sustainability Rating Addresses Space Debris With Mission Certification System
18.06.2021 - Eurasia Review
A New Chapter for Space Sustainability
17.06.2021 - MIT Media Lab